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MERL Center Developer Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Set Up Local Dev Environment

  2. Review A Pull Request

  3. Create A Pull Request

*For this guide, please replace text surrounded by <> with the appropriate text for each command. Do not include <> characters in your commands.

Set Up Local Dev Environment

1. Check if you have git installed with the command below.

git --version

If you do not have git on your machine, follow the installation instructions here

2. Fork your own copy of merl-center-public repository on GitHub by clicking the fork button in the top right corner of the repository page

see screenshot ![image](

3. Clone your forked repository

git clone <your-fork-url>.git
see screenshot ![image](

4. Navigate into root directory of repository you just cloned

cd MERL-Center-public

5. You have two options for starting the server locally

1a. Check if you have Docker installed locally. If you don’t have Docker installed, follow the instructions here
docker -v
1b. Run this command to build the Docker image
docker compose build
1c. Run this command to start the server locally
docker compose up

Option #2 - Using Ruby directly

2a. Check if you have Ruby installed locally. If you don’t have Ruby installed, follow the instructions here to install Ruby
ruby -v
2b. Install the bundler gem with this command
gem install bundler
2c. Install dependencies from Gemfile with this command
bundle install
2d. Run this command to start the server locally
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

6. Navigate to localhost:4000 in your browser to see the site running locally

7. Add a remote called upstream to your local repository that points to the main repository

git remote add upstream

Verify that the origin remote points to your fork and the upstream remote points to the main repository

git remote -v


8. Add fetch configuration to simplify pulling down branch data for pull request reviews

git config --add remote.upstream.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*"

This command adds additional fetch instructions to your .git/config file so that you can more easily pull down branches from pull requests on the upstream repository

Review A Pull Request

1. Add yourself as a reviewer of the pull request on Github

see screenshot ![image](

2. Make sure you are on the main branch of your local repository

git switch main

3. Pull down latest changes from main branch of upstream repository

git pull upstream main

4. Fetch all pull request data from the main repository using the upstream remote that was modified in step 8 of setting up your local dev environment

git fetch upstream

5. Checkout the specific pull request you want to review

git checkout upstream/pr/<number>

6. Run the start script from our package.json

npm run start

7. Navigate to localhost:4000 in your browser to check if the changes from the pull request are working as expected

8. Go back to github and find the “Files Changed” tab of the pull request to submit feedback

see screenshot ![image](

You have three options for submitting feedback:

Create A Pull Request

1. Switch to the main branch

git switch main

2. Pull down latest changes from main branch of upstream repository

git pull upstream main

3. Create a new branch for each issue you work on

git checkout -b <relevant-branch-name>

4. Verify that you are on your newly created branch from step 3 and NOT on the main branch

git branch

5. Make necessary changes to code in order to satisfy the requirements of the issue you are working on

6. Add the changes to staging area

git add .

7. Commit the changes to your local repository

git commit -m "short descriptive commit message"

8. Push the changes to your forked repository using the origin remote

git push --set-upstream origin <relevant-branch-name>

Note: replace <relevent-branch-name> with the name of the branch you created in step 3

9. Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub and click the “Compare & pull request” button

see screenshot ![image](
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